21 February 2011


Get 10,000 Followers on Twitter Without Spend Any Penny

This is the second time I have successfully reached more than 10,000 Twitter followers. No Software, not robots and no payment needed! The first time I made more than 10,000 my account get suspended the next day. To this day, I'm still not sure why, but maybe I start following and unfollowing these people too much over short periods of time. When Twitter terminate your account, you do not really get to ask questions. I am emailing a few but have not heard back within a few months.

To build many followers for the first time took me about 6 months. After that, all taken within 24 hours suck big time. But, we marketers need to learn to embrace failure and back on the horse. I know how to make it back until a large number of followers and I even found a few quick tricks to get there faster. Here is my secret not so secret to get your twitter follows increases! No software or payment is required!

Follow Your Max

To be able to follow you should follow someone else. If you are popular you'll get faster followers. If you are just getting started online it will take you a while to get some popularity.

Following many peoples one by one on Twitter is not the most fun activity to do. Clicking the 'follow' again and again (sometimes 1,000 times per day) will make your wrists sore and your eyes blur. You need to do something to make it fun or else you will not want to follow people. Try listening to music, listen to or watch the webinar recording a call when you follow someone else.

Who to Follow:
  • Begin by following your leaders and the people who inspire you
  • Follow key people and celebrities in your industry that has many followers
  • Follow the people who follow you (using SocialOomph, you can do it automatically)
  • Follow the people who have been tweeted something in the last 24 hours
I prefer to use the old Twitter layout to following others. It is faster for me to find a tweeter and see when was the last time someone tweeted it. If you are very particular about who you want to follow you can use the new Twitter layouy. This will show you a brief bio of the person you want to follow.

You can switch from the old and the new layout by selecting 'switch to the new Twitter' at the top of the page or by going to your settings and choose to switch to the old Twitter.

To grow fastest of your followers, follow people as much as you can every day. Twitter will stop you when you've reached the limit. Once this happens, you will need to wait until you get more followers, or you can go ahead and remove the tweeters that does not follow you back.

Here are some great free Twitter tools to help you maximize your followers:
  1. Justunfollow.com - This is an awesome site. It's quick and easy to use and you will be able to stop following those who do not follow you. You will have a daily limit of 50 tweeter can you stop following but if you tweet their promotional messages then you will get to see up to 100 unfollows per day. Once you do stop following make sure you follow your fans. (The people who follow you but you do not follow them yet)
  2. TwitterKarma - This is also another tool to follow and stop following your Twitterers. It does not have daily follow / unfollw limit but it takes longer to load and use.
  3. Search.Twitter - This is the tool for you to find keywords on Twitter. You can search for topics in your niche and choose to follow people from it. You can also reply or t retweet someone commen. This is a great way to find like-minded individuals.
  4. TweetDeck - I use TweetDeck to manage multiple Twitter account and post updates to all of them at the same time. You can also integrate up to the web.
  5. SocialOomph - This is what I use to automate my tweets. I usually do a post on my blog updates, video recently I did and other valuable information. Try not to spam your followers with a link sales too much, you'll get unfollowed.
  6. TweetWax - Worried about all of those messages directly? TweetWax delete your direct messages in your inbox. This service allows you to delete 20 messages at a time.
I personally do not read all the messages directly because I was too much to compete with every day and usually their spam messages. I'm pretty sure your DM box is never full or slow down your account so delete your messages as you please.

Make sure you have @ witter name everywhere you can! At the end of your video in your video description, facebook, in your emails and in your blog post. Make it easy for people to follow you and use the Twitter tools mentioned above, you will get the followers to 10,000 and more in a short time. There you have it, not so secret secret of my Twitter followers.

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