Files accustomed the .jad or file extension jad addendum are allotment of a accumulation of files that calm accomplish it accessible to run baby Java based applications on a adaptable phone, PDA, or added adaptable device. JAD is an acronym for Java Appliance Descriptor; it's a abstracts book acclimated back creating midlets, or Java applications for adaptable devices.
Creating midlets requires both a .jar book and a file extension jad. If either is missing or base the midlet will not run correctly. The .jar book consists of the absolute application, the Java .class files, and added alien abstracts that the appliance ability need. The file extension jad book contains the abstruse advice bare to run the midlet, such as the appliance name and size, adaptation number, author/developer name, and best chiefly the .jar association. Back the complete .jad and .jar are packaged calm the consistent book is accepted as the midlet suite.
Creating midlets requires both a .jar book and a file extension jad. If either is missing or base the midlet will not run correctly. The .jar book consists of the absolute application, the Java .class files, and added alien abstracts that the appliance ability need. The file extension jad book contains the abstruse advice bare to run the midlet, such as the appliance name and size, adaptation number, author/developer name, and best chiefly the .jar association. Back the complete .jad and .jar are packaged calm the consistent book is accepted as the midlet suite.